Feb 12Liked by Jerusalem Demsas

The philosophy of social science concept at the heart of this is "essentially contested concept". ECCs have both empirical and normative dimensions, and there are different conceptions of the same core concept. The different conceptions of a ECC concept are mutually intelligible to holders of other conceptions (Roberts would be forced to admit he understands *why* the caution greens think they're environmentalists), and the different concepts are used defensively and aggressively by those who prefer them; this is just part of politics and life in a diverse society.

The article that came up with the ECC idea was from the 50's and used three examples: democracy, art, and 'a good Christian life.' I think the general parameters of the idea supports your view. Roberts wants a win for our side on the merits, but conceptions of an ECC can only defeat other conceptions in political and sociological terms, by crowding them out and replacing them over time. ("Winning arguments on technical terms" can of course be part of how we do that, but mostly it happens slowly, perhaps generationally, as your piece shows..)


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Just about anyone, but the person OUGHT to advocate for Pigou taxes or be able to explain why they do not.

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